The power of social proof
As the team at Levitate Media navigated the ever-evolving digital landscape, we noticed a shift in the way businesses and customers were interacting. Traditional advertising methods were losing their sheen, and real life customer experiences were stepping into the spotlight. This led us to the question: "How can we take our passion for video storytelling and help companies tell their customers success stories?"
This question was the spark that ignited CaseLeap.
As a sister of the award-winning Levitate Media, CaseLeap embodies the transformative power of customer stories and supercharges the ability of businesses to connect on a human-to-human level.

"For many of our clients, their business is their dream. You can hear the passion in their voice when they talk about their successes. I love that we get to shine a spotlight on them and their business! It's their chance to take a bow while their customers describe how their product or service transformed their lives."
Carolyne Vesely, Director of Production

"I firmly believe that there is no better marketing tool than social proof! People are influenced by what others are doing. That’s why video testimonials and case studies are so impactful! I love being able to share the success stories of my clients and bring awareness to how they are improving the lives of others."
Taylor Cook, Production Manager